Saturday, February 27, 2016

#24 Fail at New Year's resolutions

Remember how I was only going to make my clothes for a year? Well I lied. I had a rough day and went straight up thrifting for just clothes to wear. I ended up getting this cool vintage reprint tee. It says "Detroit Grand Prix...1983." The best thing was that lady checking me out at the thrift store was thrilled because she was there. She was at the Detroit Grand Prix in 1983 the summer after she graduated high school! Funny.

As a way compensate for my failure at not making this shirt I made the skirt I wore it with from scratch using sweatshirt fleece. So warm, cozy, and comfy!

I wore this outfit to church on Sunday and it just so happened our worship pastor's wife made her knit/vest/cover up so she agreed to a little pre-church photo shoot with me. Not only is it fun to have a crafty buddy, it's such a blessing to have  a friend who gets what it's like to be married to a bi-vocational church planter (Both of our husbands have full time jobs to pay bills and pour their hearts into loving people through leading in our church).

Saturday, February 20, 2016

#23 Turn a baggy boy shirt into a fit girl tunic!

I told you I'd have more tunics in the near future. Even I'm a little surprised that it's this week.

As you already know this year I'm challenging myself with making, not buying any clothes. Since I work out almost everyday it's time for a work out tunic. I love the running tights trend but am not a fan of the shorter tops. Now I can run outside and not feel too exposed.

This is so Upcycle Circus of me because I got a chance use a XXL man's shirt to make my fit girl tunic. Up until this point I'd been buying fabric straight up which I will keep doing but it's fun to make clothes on the cheap. This was not a simple take in the side project. This was a complete redo into a scoop neck, raglan style, curved hem tunic.

I must have done some overcompensating knowing this was a boy's shirt and all because all of the exposed stitching is in neon pink to match my running shoes!

Oh in case you wanted to see, here is the back. I always forget that side.

Monday, February 15, 2016

#22 Make clothes that FIT!

Like every woman ever in the history of time I have a hard time finding clothes the fit me! I'm a longer than average female so unless a company sells clothes in LONG or TALL I can't shop there.

One of the main reasons I liked the idea of challenging myself with making my own clothes for a year is I get to: Make clothes that FIT!

Tunics and leggings are an absolute staple for me. I like to be modest but struggle to find tunics that cover my booty. Usually I just buy a regular person mini-dress and wear it with tights so finishing this tunic was a big day for me.

I took this Jalie tunic pattern 3245 and added 2 inches in length to the bust/waist section. Want to know a huge plus with this pattern? I felt good in it! It hid my problem areas. I mean, what problem areas?! More of these tunics to come!!!

I used a purple sweatshirt fleece and this thing is crazy soft and comfy. The first day I wore it I was out and about with a preschooler and toddler. I could play with and carry kiddos and was so glad I added the pockets.

#21 Make clothes for friends!

Yay! I got to bring a buddy thrifting this time.

With her vision of taking this outfit...
I used the elastic off these sweats and an old school GAP sweatshirt.

And my ability to cut and stitch.
I used a skirt that fit my friend as a template

And thanks to her modeling skills...I got to make clothes for a friend!

#20 Challenge yourself. My 2016 New Year's Resolution

I'm so so so excited to tell you about my New Year's Resolution! I really get into goals and challenges for myself. I usually try to come up with a spiritual, physical, and lifeskill Resolution. Once again, I'm showing my hand: I have no chill.

My skill challenge for this year is to not buy clothes for an entire year but make clothes for a year!

The first thing I attempted was a travel scarf. If you want to make one to check out this article.
Instead of using snap tape I put individual metal snaps. My one tip I would give you is to line up the snap and pinch around it with pliers. It went fast and was easier than the plastic snap connecter that came in the pack.

What I really like about this scarf is the versatility. It can be an infinity scarf, regular scarf, travel blanket, and cover up.

You can find this fabric at, it's super duper soft and worth ever penny!