Well Hi-ya-there! Sorry you haven't heard from me in a while. I've been busy. Like crazy busy. Like almost bought two homes, then actually bought a home, packed up, moved, got sick, did some international traveling busy, had family in town (twice), and am currently sick again busy. But one is NEVER too busy for Halloween!
We are two days out and I'm not sharing what I'm going to be until after thee Holiday. But I will share that I may or may not have woken my husband up two mornings ago and by jumping on top of him chanting, "HALL-O-WEEN HALL-O-WEEN!" And I will share that I stole my husband's phone and changed the background photos to some good ol' fashioned wife as a vampire selfies (Good thing I married an incredibly patient man who also loves Halloween). And I will share some of my homemade costumes from Halloweens past:
A few years ago we were Fred and Wilma! This was done with some thrift store tees and double sided iron on interfacing.
Before that I was a storm trooper. Same stye of costume making. Just ironing on black cut outs from a t-shirt onto a white t-shirt.
I loved sewing my Phoenix/Jean Grey costumes but making Bane's mask for my husband was WAY too much fun. I used kids' foam craft clay and painted it. I ended up selling both of these costumes on ETSY later.
The most most most fun costume ever was being an AVATAR.

And I've never missed an opportunity to be undead with my best friend!