Saturday, February 27, 2016

#24 Fail at New Year's resolutions

Remember how I was only going to make my clothes for a year? Well I lied. I had a rough day and went straight up thrifting for just clothes to wear. I ended up getting this cool vintage reprint tee. It says "Detroit Grand Prix...1983." The best thing was that lady checking me out at the thrift store was thrilled because she was there. She was at the Detroit Grand Prix in 1983 the summer after she graduated high school! Funny.

As a way compensate for my failure at not making this shirt I made the skirt I wore it with from scratch using sweatshirt fleece. So warm, cozy, and comfy!

I wore this outfit to church on Sunday and it just so happened our worship pastor's wife made her knit/vest/cover up so she agreed to a little pre-church photo shoot with me. Not only is it fun to have a crafty buddy, it's such a blessing to have  a friend who gets what it's like to be married to a bi-vocational church planter (Both of our husbands have full time jobs to pay bills and pour their hearts into loving people through leading in our church).

1 comment:

  1. Truly quite nice article! Loved reading this. I just got engaged and planning to get married by end of this year. Looking for a beautiful Wedding venue NYC within in our budget, however not getting any venue which fits our budget.
